Choose Life or Death Part One (eBook, Kindle)
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Our entire spiritual journey along with our free will boils down to either choosing to walk with Jesus (LIFE) or choosing the way of the world (DEATH). In God, there is life, and life in abundance. Not just eternal life, but life in spirit, in soul and in body. Yet, there is a real difference between knowing Him and knowing Him. In Him, we abide in life and walk in such life, but this calls for obedience to His Truth, to His Way and to His Kingdom. From a true relationship with the Lord, not religion flows life and the blessings of such divine life. The Life and Death series is a volume of work stretching over many years, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the disciples of the Lord to understand we can walk in life, yet this calls for remaining true to the Word, to His Will, to His Ways and His Kingdom.
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