The Will of God: A Brief Study (eBook, Kindle, PDF)
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There is no greater testimony of our desire to follow Him as His children than by the prayer of asking the Lord that His will be done and not ours. And that “will” in the Greek language speaks of desire, purpose and intent. Therefore, Jesus instructs us to pray that the will of the heavenly Father – that same Sovereign Lord of Isaiah 61 – be done, and we are to seek, pursue and desire that God’s purpose, desire, intent and desire for us all in this world be done, and not our own. Can we truly look in the mirror and can we truly look deep into our hearts and honestly say that we are seeking the will of the Lord? Are we truly living a life according to His will that reflects the glory of heaven and therefore His complete love? For it is all about the will of God. From the beginning to the end is has always been the will of the Lord. For this reason Revelation 1 reads: 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
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