Be not Moved Part One: Abide
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Look around you. It is getting dark out there. It is dark with demonic storms. The narratives of the world are dark. It is even dark in churches as apostasy is rife. Lawlessness abounds, and so do violence and wickedness. In a time of so much deception and hostility towards the Gospel, will you remain standing for Jesus? Will you remain on the Rock, not allowing yourself to be moved by threats, persecutions, or the glitter of fool’s gold? Psalm 16:8 is a confident and encouraging proclamation from the psalmist, King David. In this verse, he declares, “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved” (KJV). Throughout the psalm, David expresses his reliance on and trust in God. To explain the meaning of I shall not be moved, we can use various metaphors. Imagine a firmly rooted tree, a house built on a strong foundation, or a courageous soldier holding the line in battle. We have strong confidence when we know we have support behind us. We can face life’s challenges knowing that the Almighty is with us. Yes, in such dark times, we must not be moved from God, or His truth, Spirit, ways, will or Kingdom! No matter what is happening around us, and no matter the demonic storms or the tribulations or persecutions we may face, we shall not be moved or be shaken when we abide in the Lord. Yes, we can stand (Ephesians 6) and remain standing for God, because no matter how the world shakes, God’s Kingdom will never be shaken! Jesus is the eternal Rock. Those who stand with God shall not be shaken! Do Not Be Moved parts one, two and three urge the reader to take determined action, to make a deliberate decision and embark on a zealous endeavour not to be moved out of the shadow of God’s Presence and the Blood which sealed the Covenant. In the world of darkness, we must remain in the light, be the light and follow the Saviour in obedience and faithfulness until we are poured out for His Glory.
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