Arise Army of God (eBook, Kindle)
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The spiritual war is real, make no mistake about this reality. War is defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. The spiritual battle can be defined as a war for there is a conflict between the Kingdom of God and the already defeated yet functioning kingdom of the devil. The volumes of work “The Spiritual War” and “Arise Army of God” forms part of the deliverance series, and it explores what this war is all about, how to engage in it and how to be effective as a warrior of God. Truth is, we are all involved in this war, unintentionally or intentionally, as believers or non-believers. As gravity affects all on earth, so does the spiritual war impact our lives daily from the rising to the setting of the sun. Let us be equipped, empowered and trained in knowledge to understand the war and its manifold ramifications on humanity.
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