About Riaan
It is all about the pursuit of Truth, and such Truth is the Truth of God. Only such Truth liberates.
My Story
Riaan Engelbrecht is a seasoned newspaper editor, sub-editor, and journalist, serving in the media industry since 1995. He is also a pastor and the founder of Avishua Ministries in South Africa. He has a deep passion to teach, to share knowledge and wisdom. He is the author of more than 90 non-fiction Christian books, focussing on discipleship in general, having written his first book in 2002. Daily he endeavours to put pen to paper, for indeed the pen is mightier than the sword in his pursuit of helping others find a sense of peace, joy, love, and belonging in a world of so many upheavals and challenges. Writing for this author is a blessed and wondrous adventure, leading down thrilling paths in a quest for empowerment and self-enrichment.

Word from the Author
Some may wonder what my motivation to keep publishing titles after titles are. It is certainly not for financial profit. Or for fame. I write as I am instructed by the Lord. I do not write for entertainment, to amuse myself or to please anyone. This is an act of obedience, but also of love and zeal for God for indeed. He is awesome and the hope of glory. At one stage, I did ask the Lord why He keeps pressing me to write so many volumes of work. His answer was as follows: the world is flooded and saturated with darkness, wickedness, and lies, so to counter this, the world needs to be flooded and saturated with God’s Word as led by the Spirit of the living God. Our Lord is life, and He calls us all to know Him intimately and deeper as a personal God who deeply loves and cares for us. The intention has not been just to write continuously but to publish in as many digital bookstores and libraries globally (visit the Book Store tab on the website). God is opening the doors so His Word can flood the earth that is so desperately in need of His Truth, Light, Love, Hope and Holy Spirit.
Please share the website with others. My intention remains to see people liberated from spiritual slavery. Only in Christ is our blessed hope, and He remains the only answer to the broken, the forgotten, the neglected, the hurting, the downtrodden, the lost, the backslidden and the souls searching for the meaning to it all. This website and all the work are dedicated to Jesus, in whom we have our salvation, redemption, restoration, healing, and deliverance and in Him, we find revival and our purpose.
Please feel to get in touch with me by using the Contact Page if you have any questions about your spiritual walk. I would love to hear from you. And remember, only God’s undefiled and perfect truth sets us free (John 8:32). Blessings
Psalm 64: 10 The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in Him. And all the upright in heart shall glory.
Shalom and Grace to you all. Prophet Riaan was introduced to me by a friend of mine who is a minister of the Word and an apostle in South Africa some years back before the Covid 19 pandemic. I travelled with him to Eastern Cape and ministered alongside him on radio and church fellowships. In addition, I have also streamed his video messages on my digital TV channel. He is a Word-based Prophet and rich in the word. Prophet Rian is not only a revelational teacher of the word but a disciplined man of God who has been broken and moulded by the Word and moving in the power of the Holy Spirit.