Crossroads to Freedom Vol 3 (eBook, Kindle)
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Our walk with God is a journey, and such a journey begins with a step – to follow Jesus. These three volumes of work, carrying an easy reading writing style, take the reader on a divine journey of discovery, faith, and knowing God. As we journey with God, we embrace the rich and wondrous tapestry of the Lord’s gift of salvation, redemption and hope. We are all at a crossroads in our lives and we need to decide if we are either following Jesus or following the world. Let us be equipped, let us surrender our hearts unto God, and let us be disciples of the Most High. Indeed, there is no other journey as exhilarating, thrilling or adventurous, for it challenges us to grow spiritually, to seek the higher truth, and to eventually become morally a better person to God’s glory. So let us take this journey together in His service, for in the Lord there is love, victory, joy and peace. Yes, He is a good God, and He yearns for us to know Him, to walk with Him and to enjoy for all eternity his merciful and gracious companionship.
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