Faith under Fire: Vanities, Fantasies, Mutiny and Psychedelic Entrapments (eBook, Kindle)
R50 (when buying directly from the author)
If we look at the world today, then faith is under fire. This world will continue to self-destruct as it continues on a path hell-bend on defying God. In our strength and wisdom, we shall flounder in this world of so much toil and danger. When we seek to rely on our counsel and knowledge, the waves and the rain will blind and lead us away from the light of God. This is not the time for true believers to be silent as we watch in horror as the world slides deeper into oblivion. All around us, it is a circus of chaos, where people are entrapped by fantastical and strange ideas, dreams, ambitions and desires. It is a world of drugs, sorcery, and greed, and where people are more inclined to believe in aliens and zombies than in the existence of a God. For many, it is the New Age world of the metaphysical as we believe we are gods and captains of our ships. We ignore God at our peril, for He is real, and yes, He is a God of incredible love and beauty, yet He shall also not be mocked. It is time to wake up, to seek Him, for time is running out.
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