Fruits of the Spirit (eBook, Kindle)
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Galatians 5 makes it clear what are the fruits of the Spirit, which include love, joy, peace and self-control. Take note we are dealing here with the fruits of the Spirit, not our spirit. So we can only develop and carry such fruit when we allow God to abide and work in us. Therefore, we have to “live in the Spirit”, meaning walking in the Spirit who produces such fruit. This volume of work has been prompted for the simple reason that the church seems to be neglecting the need to equip disciples who reflect and manifest the character of God. We have become too obsessed with creating a feel-good Church, gifts, signs and wonders, yet ignoring the importance of character. It should be stressed we cannot generate such good fruits that produce moral and godly living on our own, therefore, we need to abide in God to bear much fruit. We need to earnestly cultivate a character that glorifies and exalts God, so that the world may know we are disciples of God because of the fruit we carry.
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