God the Father (eBook, Kindle)
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God is an actual, literal Father. He is the source of life. Yes, our God the Father created the universe and everything in it. He is a big God but at the same time is a personal God who knows each person’s every need. God the Father set a plan in place to save humanity from itself. Yes, He is a good Father and a loving God who wants a family and to be with His children. He is not cruel or mean. Not abusive. Loving and kind. But also a Father who is not pleased with wickedness, evil or sin. He is a holy God. Unto Him we cry “Abba, Father” and He hears us. What an awesome God we serve, far better than the supposed fathers of mythology! Just as earthly fathers have an important part in contributing to the life of children, this is true with God as His spiritual children. He provides, protects, and nurtures. In this study, learn more about the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes, He is the heavenly Father of Jews and Gentiles alike. Unto Him comes all the glory and all the praise. He is Holy. He is almighty. Unto Him comes all power, for He is authority. May we draw closer to Him and let God Father us in His love, beauty and majesty.
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