God’s SWAT Warriors Part Two (eBook, Kindle)
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In America, you have the SWAT unit. A SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team is a law enforcement unit that uses specialized or military equipment and tactics. So, why are we talking about SWAT? Because in the Body of Christ, we also need to become disciples of God warriors who are trained in spiritual warfare and tactics). We need to know how this spiritual warfare works, what are our weapons and we must know how to use them. We are called to be warriors of discernment, of knowing the tactics of the enemy, of adopting God’s strategy in spiritual warfare and employing God’s weapons of warfare. God is calling for a remnant to take up “arms”, meaning walking in their spiritual authority to set the captives free, bind up the broken-hearted and proclaim the wonderful news of Christ that still sets free and redeems. Believers have been empowered to be part of the end-time remnant of SWAT warriors by the Spirit and Word of God. We have been granted authority by Jesus! So all disciples are called to heal the sick, cast out demons, and preach the Gospel. We can bring light and liberty to those walking in darkness. As disciples, we have all been called and sent out in the Lord’s stead to do His work.
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