God’s Voice (eBook, Kindle)
R50 (When buying directly from the author)
There is this strange notion these days that God no longer speaks to His people. It is said that God spoke in the Old Testament and that God today only speaks these days through His Word. Yes, it is true, that God does speak through His Word, but the wonderful and glorious news is that God does speak to His children. He has a voice, we have ears, and there is definite communication! Some even say that one is crazy to think one hears from God (voices in the head apparently speak of a deep-seated disorder). Others claim it is purely your imagination. This is sad because God is an incredibly personal God who wants to communicate with His children. He wants to talk to us, and He wants us to talk to Him. Just because someone has not heard from God does not mean He doesn’t speak! Think about it. The Creator of all actually speaks to us! He does not just speak to the apostles or the prophets but to each and every believer. This is the God whom we serve. An awesome God who is not distant, but a God who wants a personal relationship with us. Yes, we can hear from God as His children. There is no simple formula, but it boils down to relationship, fellowship, intimacy, and willing to follow and listen.
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