Dream Interpretation Course Info

From all the Dream Interpretation Course and Dream Interpretation Development Program partners, ASR Martins Ministries, Strategic Missions, Avishua Ministries, and the Revealed Word Bible College, a very warm welcome to all students. Thank you for enrolling in the courses. We trust and hope that your experience with us will be a very pleasant experience for you and that you will benefit from these courses for the rest of your life. We thank God for blessing us and empowering us to make these courses available to you.

Based on what we have observed in the church when it comes to the equipping of the saints in this particular area of the Gospel of Christ, we are confident that any student who enrolled at ASR Martins Ministries, whether it is to be a better dreams and visions interpreter, a better professional counselor or a better prophet, is in good hands.

Before we commence with the introduction, I want to bring a few important aspects to your attention:

The online dictionary will be of great help to you but, to master the language of symbols, you do need to purchase the complete dreams symbols dictionary. It contains almost twice as many symbols as the free online version and is therefore essential as the primary and most important aid to help you complete your studies successfully.

It is required that all students register on the Dream Interpretation Community Forum and the Social Network. All practical exercises and practical development are done on the Forum.

Before any student can receive his or her Certificates, he must complete practical exercises as described below:

Dream Interpretation Course – Certificate

DIC 1: Introduction To Dream Interpretation: 2 Interpretations

DIC 2: Principles Governing the Language of Symbols: 5 Interpretations

DIC 3: Symbolism: Introduction To Practical Application: 10 Interpretations

DIC 4: Symbolism: Practical Application in Context: 20 Interpretations

Total for the Dream Interpretation Course Certificate: 37

Bachelors Degree:

BA 1: Dreams and Visions and the Professional Counselor: 25 Interpretations (Emotional Restoration Dreams)

BA 2: Dreams and Visions and the Prophet: 25 Interpretations (Prophetic Dreams and Visions)

Total for the Dream Interpretation Course Bachelors Degree: 50

Total for the whole Course: 87

As you can see, the interpretation of dreams and visions is essential to succeed with the course and all students will have to carry out these exercises to receive their Certificates and the Bachelor’s Degree. Register as soon as you can, read through the old dreams and interpretations on the Forum, so that you can get familiar with practical dream and vision interpretation, and start interpreting dreams and visions on the Forum as soon as you can.

The internationally accredited Bachelors’s Degree will be available on 1 September 2021. Although the fundamental aspects of “emotional restoration dreams” are covered with the Certificate, the professional counselor will benefit a lot more from the Bachelor’s Degree. Both the counseling process in general, and the correct and professional way of incorporating dreams and visions are both covered extensively with the Bachelor’s Degree. So not only the incorporation of dream interpretation is covered, it is an extensive counseling course in itself.

The prophet will benefit a lot with the Bachelor’s Degree. Both the ministry of the prophet and the principles that govern the office of the Prophet are covered extensively. Of course, the incorporation of dreams and visions is covered extensively to ensure that you as a prophet are equipped to function in your ministry properly as God intended. So not only the incorporation of dream and vision interpretation is covered, it is an extensive prophetic course in itself. The ministry of the prophet is hindered or limited in the church today because most modern-day prophets do not understand the language of symbols. The Bachelor’s Degree will address this shortcoming in the church.

The “practical exercises” are the most important part of the course. If there are not enough dreams or visions available on the Forum to interpret, use your own or the dreams and visions of family and friends, in which case you submit the dream and the interpretation at the same time. The Moderators and Basie Martins will evaluate your interpretations and they will make suggestions and comments.

We have joined forces with Strategic Missions and Avishua Ministries and part of this move are us now being able to host an online course that is internationally accredited.


Revealed word Bible College

Certificate of Biblical Studies: Dream Interpretation Course

Dream Interpretation Course

DIC – 1: Introduction To Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Courses

DIC – 2: Principles Governing the Language of Symbols

Dream Interpretation Courses

DIC – 3: Symbolism: Introduction To Practical Application

Dream Interpretation Courses

DIC – 4: Symbolism: Practical Application in Context

Dream Interpretation Courses

Bachelor’s degree of Biblical Studies:  – Dream Interpretation Course

The professional counselor will benefit a lot more from the Bachelor’s Degree. Both the counseling process in general, and the correct and professional way of incorporating dreams and visions are both covered extensively with the Bachelor’s Degree. So not only the incorporation of dream interpretation is covered, it is an extensive counseling course in itself.

The prophet will benefit a lot with the Bachelor’s Degree. Both the ministry of the prophet and the principles that govern the office of the Prophet are covered extensively. Of course, the incorporation of dreams and visions is covered extensively to ensure that you as a prophet are equipped to function in your ministry properly as God intended. So not only the incorporation of dream and vision interpretation is covered, it is an extensive prophetic course in itself. The ministry of the prophet is hindered or limited in the church today because most modern-day prophets do not understand the language of symbols. The Bachelor’s Degree will address this shortcoming in the church.

Biblical Counselling and Prophetic Insight

Both the Counseling Course and the Prophetic Course are probably the most authentic (Biblical) courses about these subjects that you can find. The church has failed on both Biblical counseling and the prophetic by providing courses and teachings to the body of Christ that are not truly conforming to the word of God or His will. The Dreams Interpretation Course (Bachelor’s Degree – BA Session 1: Counseling Through Dreams Interpretation and BA Session 2: Dreams and Visions Interpretation and the Prophet) addresses these shortcomings very effectively.

Bachelor’s degree of Biblical Studies:  – Dream Interpretation Course

Bachelor's Degree Courses Dream Interpretation

(BA Session 1: Counseling Through Dream Interpretation)

Dream Interpretation Counseling Course

(BA Session 2: Dream and Vision Interpretation and the Prophet) 

Dream Interpretation and the Prophet

By the way, the Dream Interpretation Course is an essential resource for people who are functioning in a professional capacity as Counselors. The materials are adapted to assist and develop professional counselors, both Christain Counselors in the church and in the corporate world, to use and apply this element during their counseling sessions.

What’s great about the Dream Interpretation Course, is that you can complete the whole course in a matter of months without breaking a sweat, as long as you stay active on the Dream Interpretation Community Forum after that, where you will pick up a lot of experience in a practical way, which will ensure that you complete the Dream Interpretation Development Members Program successfully. The real development happens on the Forum, but it cannot happen if you are not equipped yet. The Forum is FREE to use as long as you want, and you should, if you want to make sure you are thoroughly equipped. The Course equips and empowers you whilst the Dream Interpretation Community Forum develops you.

Revealed Word Bible College (South Africa)

The Revealed Word Bible College is managed by Strategic Missions under license to Revealed Word Bible Institute, which is a division of International Missions, Sheridan, Wyoming. We provide training via correspondence and partnerships with campuses in Southern African countries.

The Revealed Word Bible College is a great place to study, whether you want to go into full-time ministry or if you only want to improve your knowledge and understanding of the bible. We are passionate about training the Church so that as part of the body of Christ you will reach your full potential in Christ and be obedient to His command in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all nations.

We endeavor to bring you Bible training of the highest standard in the most convenient way, as we present our courses in an informative way that is free of Theological jargon, interesting, and easy to understand, yet is still the meat of the Word. All the study material is designed to train students in Practical Ministry. It is not just about knowing the Word; it is also about understanding it and living it. Our students grow in character and in faith. Our training is about studying and understanding the bible. This opens the way for future ministry positions.

Monthly Subscriptions: Dream Interpretation Courses and selected Resource materials

Students have requested the ability to pay for the Courses and selected resource materials available on the ASR Martins Ministries website, on a monthly basis. We have heard your requests and we have decided to accommodate you in this regard.

You are now able to sign up for a monthly subscription to pay for the official courses and selected materials on the website, which you may pause and reactivate, as your circumstances dictate.

You will be able to access the courses as long as you keep your subscriptions in place. Take note that the course certificates will be issued as soon as the last payment has been received.

For more information, click on the links below:

Silver Membership – For students who want to start with the internationally accredited Diploma.

Monthly Subscription

Dream Interpretation Development Primary Membership Program


Dream Interpretation Development Primary Membership Program

Upgrade to Gold Membership – For students who want to upgrade to the international accredited Bachelor’s Degree.

Monthly Subscription

Upgrade to the Dream Interpretation Gold Membership


Upgrade to the Dream Interpretation Gold Membership

Gold Membership – For students who want to proceed with both the internationally accredited Diploma and the bachelor’s Degree at an added discount price.

Monthly Subscription

Dream Interpretation Development Gold Membership Program


Dream Interpretation Development Gold Membership Program

Riaan Engelbercht (Avishua Ministries)

Joshua Baker (CEO Strategic Missions)

Basie Martins (ASR Martins Ministries)

Riaan Engelbrecht is the founder of Avishua Ministries and is also the vice-president of Lighthouse Ministries International, which runs the accredited Lighthouse Discipleship Bible School and Lighthouse Radio. He is also the Chairman of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network. His ministry deals primarily with the prophetic, but he has a deep passion to teach the Truth of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom for only the Truth of the Lord sets us free (John 8:32). For him, it is all about activating believers in their calling/mandate, which can only be done through discipleship in accordance with the Great Commission. Riaan has been actively involved in the ministry since giving his life to the Lord in 2001 and will continue to endeavor to speak the Truth, declare the Truth, defend the Truth and uphold the Truth of the Lord no matter the cost, and all to the glory of God.

Joshua Baker is the CEO of Strategic Missions where the main focus is on evangelism, humanitarian and social upliftment, and empowerment projects. Schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, prisons, orphanages, churches, empowerment centers, and rural communities have been impacted by Strategic Missions in ten countries. Churches are assisted to set up campuses and bible colleges. The ministry includes street ministry, missions, and outreaches, reaching out to drug addicts, street people, prostitutes, and others. Strategic Missions’ purpose is to bring the lost to salvation and then start the discipleship process. Joshua and his team work closely with other organizations that have upliftment programs, safe houses, and projects to help people become productive members of society. Joshua can be reached at this link: Strategic Missions

Basie Martins is a Christian author and the founder of ASR Martins Ministries. He is also the CEO of the Global Activation and Mobilization Network. The purpose of ASR Martins Ministries is to provide training in the form of workshops to all churches and to provide training material to the body of Christ which can be accessed online. The workshops are aimed at providing church leaders with the necessary tools to expand their congregations, plant new churches and develop their congregations. He wrote several books and manuals which form the basis for the workshops that he presents at churches. He is involved with church planting and discipleship training and equipping programs. He envisions enriching the experience of church members, visitors, and new converts in their congregations.

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