Kingdom of God (eBook, Kindle)
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If we seek to find Life, we need to walk in the Kingdom of Life. Believers are progressively becoming more wrapped up in church activity, which is in essence mere captivity to religion. Religion blinds us to the truth, for it cages us in traditional and worldly ways. Throughout the life of Jesus, He only preached Kingdom. Nothing else. In the Lord’s Prayer, methods, service modules and gender inequality have absolutely nothing to do with Kingdom. Just so, in Matthew 6, as Jesus taught about praying for the Kingdom to come, He also included in His teaching (verse 33) about seeking the Kingdom and His righteousness (implying walking in His Ways) then the rest will be added (life, hope, joy, and strength and spiritual prosperity). Therefore, it is clear: We need to seek the Kingdom above all else, but we can only walk in the manifested reality and glory of the Kingdom once we walk by Spirit, implying surrendering first our kingdom, laying down our crown and denying the Self. If we seek His Kingdom, then our kingdom (our ways, agendas, ideas) need to die as well. What we believe to be truth, or the right way, or the correct path, needs to be surrendered as we seek the true way of the Lord, which is the Way of the Kingdom. Jesus said He is the Way, Truth and Life, meaning He is the WAY of the Kingdom, and if we seek the Kingdom then we need to follow the Lord Jesus in Spirit and Truth.
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