Let My People Go: Exodus Out Of Religious Entrapment (eBook, Kindle)
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The words “Let My people go” have echoed in my spirit for many years now, dating back to the early 2000s. The words date back to Israel’s bondage while staying in Exodus. God chose Moses to speak to the Pharaoh to let His people go to worship Him. The children of God are of course not living under the rule of a Pharaoh, but over the years I was made to understand there are many spiritual pharaohs, Sadducees and Pharisees in churches who are holding God’s children in bondage. They do so by spinning their web of lies, enslaving instead of empowering. They rule and lord, instead of making true disciples who follow not them but only Jesus. The subtitle to this book is ‘Exodus out of Religious Entrapment’. As explored in many of my other books, especially in the Perilous Times series, we follow not a religion, but a faith. And such faith is based on a relationship with a living and loving God. God is calling us to come out of religion, meaning the man-made rules, programmes, ideas, traditions and agendas as formulated by man.
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