Overview of God’s Word: The True North of our Faith (eBook, Kindle)
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The Bible is an epic masterpiece. There is a continuous flow to the Bible, and it does flow like a story. It is God’s story, told through numerous characters, events, adventures, trials, tribulations, and situations. There is nothing grander or more splendid than God’s story! This book is not a comprehensive study of the Bible, therefore, it is not a blow-by-blow account of every book and every story. Rather, it is a sweeping glance at what the Bible offers. We can only know the heart of God, who God truly is and understand His commandments, His teachings, His truths and values when we study and know the Word. The Bible is truly God’s Word and should shape our lives daily. If one reads the Bible as led by the Spirit, without a preconceived bias for finding errors or based on one’s education or understanding, one will find it to be a coherent, consistent, and relatively easy-to-understand book of God. It is the Truth, and so it is the light and lamp unto our feet and path. The Bible must be treated by disciples as all-sufficient and inerrant (without error) to lead us, guide us, teach us and show us the way and the will of God. The Word of God is real, alive, and powerful and the final authority on God’s will. As believers of God, we must know the Word, study it, love it, cherish it and abide by it for it is the source of eternal life, faith, salvation, freedom, spiritual food, growth, blessedness, purity, guidance, comfort, spiritual victory, assurance and of joy. May we know it to find our purpose and the meaning of life according to a great and awesome God.
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