Pitfalls and Dangers Part One (eBook, Kindle)
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n the Perilous Times series of work, the last of days as spoken about in 2 Timothy 3 is closely explored and dissected. Apostle Paul writes about the last days that will be perilous, and we are certainly living in such a time. It will offer a great opportunity for the Church to fulfil the Great Commission, but it will also be a time of great danger and threats. Perilous denotes something which holds danger, thus there are things that will happen in the last of days that will pose a danger unto believers, but at the same time, believers must also avoid such pitfalls lest they become perilous (a danger) to others. Perilous also speaks of great stress and trouble. These are indeed the days of great strife, apostasy, and deception, and more than ever holding one to faith and God’s truth has become of paramount importance.
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