Pursue Moral Goodness, Shun Evil (eBook, Kindle)
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Years ago, the Lord spoke in my heart about three key aspects of our spiritual journey: Mortification. Abandonment. Purity. Together, they abbreviate M.A.P. Thus, the map to follow in our pursuit of holiness. For if we pursue such practice of always seeking God, yielding and laying it down for His glory, we shall then pursue holiness and we shall abide in His glorious presence. We then shall shun evil, for as we abide in His presence, we seek the moral good path of God’s will and truth. We find the world is slipping deeper into decadence, depravity, wickedness, and immorality because we have forsaken God. As we forsake His ways and spiritual laws, we embrace the darkness, and in the darkness, we succumb to spiritual corruption and we are vulnerable to evil inclinations and wicked intent. We are called to abandon all unto His care. To seek holiness. To seek purity. And to surrender it all to His Glory. Yes, we are called to seek moral goodness by seeking God, for without Him, we only find a perilous path paved with self-destruction.
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