Radical Christianity (eBook, Kindle)
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If we truly want to lead a supernatural life, with a faith believing in the impossible, then we need to become radical for God. We need to be red-hot Christians who are on fire for Jesus. It means following Him no matter the cost. It means doing as He says in His Word and never compromising. For the radical Christian, it is all about Christ and nothing else. God is calling for a people who will no longer submit to the ‘normal’. Are we just going through the motions of serving Christ? Has our spiritual life become bland, dull and dreary? Our lives must always be connected to the Spirit of God. We must be infused into God so that He truly abides in us and we abide in us! The normal, the spiritual deadness, the dryness and the staleness are to be found in the traditions and the rituals of religion. God is calling for a people who will step outside the ‘normal’. We are not called to follow a religion or any other manmade rules or ideas, but God and God alone. Jesus came to show us how to lead a vibrant life, infused with divine holy power! For God has spoken clearly then it is time for a people to arise who will no longer be satisfied to walk in the staleness, deadness and dustiness of a religion that has no power. It is time to seek God beyond the veil, and to be the new wineskin to carry the glorious wine of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling the Great Commission!
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