Restoring the Fallen Tent (eBook, Kindle)
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It has been a while since the Lord spoke about restoring the tent of meeting. To understand this, we need to understand that before church, there was the Temple, and before the Temple, there was the tent of meeting in the days of Moses. The tabernacle of meeting evolved in the physical Temple built by Solomon, which evolved among the Gentiles to be mostly church buildings. With the stages of development, especially among Gentiles, the very essence of the tabernacle of meeting as in the days of Moses got lost among the sand of time. The tabernacle in the wilderness was about God meeting with man, and where man could enjoy the presence of the Lord. By the shed Blood of the Lamb, God’s presence is now not contained within a physical structure, for God now makes His home within man by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, as believers, we have BECOME the tabernacle of meeting. Through our interpretation of church, the Tabernacle today sadly remains a physical structure instead a spiritual one. The church of today has evolved away from the foundational concept of divine interaction, relationship and Covenant participation, which forms the spiritual tabernacle (house) in service to God. It is time to rediscover God’s true intent and purpose for the Tabernacle, and how we are to restore what has fallen and become lost over the centuries.
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