God is not dead: Spiritual Struggles over the Ages (eBook, Kindle)
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Written in these pages is not doctrine or dogma. It is neither intended as an in-depth history nor a philosophical lesson. This is but a burning cry for the true Bride to awaken from her slumber, to reflect on times gone past, to consider her foundations and to take note of where the roots lay regarding many of our apostate teachings and rituals and customs. This is a search for GOD’s truth, so that this truth may set the true sons and daughters in JESUS free to be warriors and servants unto this broken world. We must worship in Spirit and truth, yet if we don’t know the truth, then we can’t be united as a Bride. These pages rather reveal the spiritual struggles over history, attempting to show how a multitude of dark spiritual doors are still open in the spiritual realm, forced ajar by a myriad and continuous key events during history in countries through the work of key dark principalities. These pages serve as a tool to guide the saints in formulating a strategy, specifically one of prayer and one of living in the opposite spirit. Strategy implies simply a call to a sense of action, therefore one of warfare. We need to wake up for today’s new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing a form of mysticism and ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony.
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