The Bride and the Bridegroom (eBook, Kindle)
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The Lord is our Bridegroom, and those who belong to Jesus Christ are His Bride. Those who believe have been included in Christ when they heard the message of truth, the gospel of our salvation. The moment we hear the message of the gospel and receive salvation we are betrothed to Christ. Such a Bride is sold out for the Bridegroom, seeking to be with Him and to love him for all eternity. This church—the Bride of Christ—is not one specific local church or denomination but the entire body of believers throughout the ages. All who have trusted the Lord and received salvation by grace through faith are collectively His Bride. As the Bride, we are called to have only one true eternal love – Christ. The Lord Jesus is our Bridegroom, the Lover of my soul. It means that we share His love. It means we bear His Name. We are called to uphold the name of Jesus. Through our actions, words, behaviour and conduct, we must bring honour to the name of our Bridegroom! We are His Bride, and as such, we must bring honour to our Bridegroom. We must not put Him to shame. What He loves we must love. He must be ours and captivate our attention day and night. In any true marriage, the bridegroom and the bride give themselves to each other, unreservedly and forever; and in this holy relationship of the saved sinner and the Saviour, it is the same. We are called to shine the light of the Bridegroom, to be ready for His coming, and to be without spot or wrinkle when it happens. We must make every effort to be found pleasing unto the Bridegroom, for the marriage feast in heaven will outshine any grand wedding that has ever been held on earth! The Bridegroom is indeed glorious, so let us prepare and remain consecrated unto holiness. May the Bridegroom find a pure and faithful Bride at His blessed coming!
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