The Crescendo: Thriving in Intense, Stormy and Dark Times (eBook, Kindle)
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The noun of this word crescendo speaks of the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound. It also speaks of the highest point reached in a progressive increase of intensity. The verb speaks of an increase in loudness or intensity, such as the “reluctant cheers began to crescendo”. We are in a spiritual season that is reaching such a crescendo. Several years ago the Lord first spoke about how we are heading into a “season”, therefore, a period of time not determined in length, during which things will get very “intense”. It means that as we consider the word “crescendo”, we are right now in a time where the hostility against God is reaching a very intense stage, and such intensity has progressively increased over the years. It will be a season of great spiritual warfare, where many people will struggle to remain standing. So intense is the hostility and the onslaught, that many believers will actually fall away if they are not found to be settled upon the Rock of Jesus. It is a time of quickening what the Lord is doing, but also a time of a quickening regarding the devil’s work. In such stormy and intense times, we need to learn how to thrive, still make an impact for Christ and fulfil the Great Commission. This is a collection of prophetic insights and spontaneous prophetic utterances to unveil the scope, magnitude and ramification of the Crescendo season.
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