The Deep Deep Well (eBook, Kindle)
R50 (when buying directly from the author)
God wants His children to enjoy His fullness. He wants His children to live in victory, and in a state of peace, joy, and love. Yet, this doesn’t all depend on God. It also depends on us. God does His part, but we need to do ours. This is a two-way road. As they say, it takes two to tango. Are we willing to dance with God? God’s part is to set up the spiritual well, meaning He is always available and accessible for us to engage in a real and meaningful relationship with Him. God is a personal and faithful God who wants to engage with His children. God provides Himself as the source of life, yet it is up to us to ‘plug’ into God. Want more of God? Then it is about how much we are willing to sacrifice, surrender and seek God. The Lord is always willing to meet with us, but our spiritual journey hinges on our desire, thirst and hunger for God.
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