War on the Home Front (eBook, Kindle)
R50 (when buying directly from the author)
We are in a state of spiritual war, even if we admit it or not, and we as believers are facing a very real enemy. And this enemy called the devil uses cruel, vile, and deceptive tactics to destroy the lives of Christians. Simply because we are serving Christ, we are a target of the devil. It is that simple. And the devil uses the same tactics used for thousands of years in times of war, which is to attack the home front. While we are mindful of waging spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness through our ministry, adhering to the need for deliverance and fulfilling the Great Commission, we need to understand so often we have neglected to wage war against the enemy who targets our homes, families and marriages. All Christian homes are under attack. Families are under attack, which includes marriages and the youth. Yes, no one is spared. In this volume of work, the believer is called to action on how to protect the home front, thus the family or the marriage, from the devil’s diabolical works. It is time to stand up for God’s truth and to uphold God’s order so that the Christian household may flourish, thrive, prosper and overcome in the glory, light, life and love of Christ.
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eBooks written by Riaan Engelbrecht are the cheapest when buying directly from the author. You will not find it cheaper at any other online bookstore. He also offers a refund, for your peace of mind, in case you are not satisfied with the quality of the book (for whatever reason) that you purchased. This refund is valid for 7 days only after the date of purchase. Your eBook/Kindle, as well as future editions of the book, will be available for download for an unlimited period. Yes, any updates to the volume of work or new editions are forwarded to the purchaser free of charge.